Ishgardian Butler

First Alexois was a stonemason.
His dreams were humble and he wished only for food on the table and happiness for his family.
Then he learned the ways of serving high house nobles. He swore loyalty to the Jonquilont's house and he would never break this trust.Lastly, he was given the mantle of Warrior of Light. His heart enjoys exciting adventures yet he always returns home, to Ishgard. For there is a clover he longs to see.

Race | Elezen
Clan | Wildwood
Nameday | 18th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Guardian | Thaliak, the Scholar?
Height | 202 cm / 6'7''
Alexois has pale ash hair with some sun bleached highlights. His eyes are light green. He tans easily and he inherited reddish eyelids from his father.

House of Jonquilont

From ashes to fortune

Alexois works for Jonquilont's Family as the mainservant. The history of the house is riddled with bad luck and was almost written out of the history books until lady of the house, Countess Frine de Jonquilont adopted her godchild Merewina Clover.

Merewina Clover

New Heiress of Jonquilont

No one knows her true parents yet she was loved by many, especially by her adopted parents. Some wondered how this unknown clover could be grown in the Coerthan snow but she keeps on blooming, quietly yet thriving.Her love and admiration for Alexois is strong but she is afraid to lose her new family thus she keeps her feelings to herself.

Race | Huyr
Clan | Midlander
Nameday | 7th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Guardian | Nald'thal, the Traders
Height | 168 cm / 5'6''
Merewina has vivid green hair with a hint of dark tones. Her eyes are pale green which gives her sharp gaze. Her skin is pale and she is quite insecure of her forehead. She is pureblood Garlean but her third eye resides within her skull never to be seen naked eye.

Links & Files

The main social platforms, comics and Warrior of Light Questions can be found in the links below. The handle is always alexoisxiv.

Warrior of Light Questions

Catalogue of answered questions

How do your WoL flirt?

Alexois flirts rarely.One time he forgot his place and landed a flirty line during a conversation with Lady M. She was red as the Dalamud after the conversation.

When is your WoL's birthday? How do they celebrate?

Alexois' birthday is 18th of Jan.Every servant in the house gets one day off and he used to take the day off. Until Lady Merewina stepped into the Jonquilont's family. He felt that it would be easier for the masters of house, if he was around.No one saw this as anything odd but Countess Frine knew immediately what was going on. Her butler had fell in love with her daughter and he wanted to spend more time with her.

Calling all WoLs who run a signature color; Is there any particular reason why WoL chose that color for them?

Alexois uses very neutral colours; grey, black, dark blue.As a servant, he must not use colourful clothing because colours are reserved for the masters. He doesn't mind colourful items, but for convenience's sake, he sifts to the calmer palette.

Does your WoL hide any of their scars with glamourers?

Alexois doesn't hide his scars.He does have a couple scars but they have faded with time. In his childhood, he got a cut on his head while playing Temple Knights. Also, he has a long scar across his back from the whipping incident. It's slightly more visible if he gets a tan.

How has your WoL's hair changed throughout their journey? Is there a style they liked the most?

Alexois's hairstyle is short and he swept it back. But occasionally he forgets his appearance and his hair grows long plus he gets stubble. Even Scions have trouble recognizing him when he is in his rugged look.

What are some skills / things your WoL are NOT good at? Are they getting better at this, or do they unfortunately not see any improvements in these endeavors and or abandoned them in the process?

As a butler, Alexois was educated on many things. But he can't dance ALONE (specially on a stage). He was sure that Nashmeira was either blind or really desperate to accept him as part of her troupe. To this day he is ashamed of how he dance-squiggled in front of Gegeruju.

Where does your WoL live? Do they live alone, or do they share their house / apartment with anyone?

Alexois lives in the head servant's room next to the kitchen. His lodging is small but comfortable, there is a fireplace opposite the bed and he has a small writing desk. From this room, he has easy to access the whole Jonquilont's mansion.

Do your WoL actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?

When he was younger, he had a couple of sweethearts but those didn't last. Now he is desperately in love with his master and tries his best to keep his feelings contained. He doesn't want to break the trust between the highborn family and servants, so he stays silent.

What song(s) / band(s) best describes your wol ship?

Alexois doesn't have a theme song. But I do have one song that describes Lady Merewina's feelings and her personality. Those who are truly curios, can search for Gwen Stefani - Make Me Like You.

Is there anything your WoL inherited from their parents? Was it maybe just looks, or did some of their personality traits come from their parents as well?

Alexois got the looks from his father and eyes from his mother. Both parents were calm personalities but his mother had tendencies to flare up in a fight. One time she beat and lectured a mugger so bad, that he converted to a priest.Alexois is quite a calm individual but he can switch his attitude to max. If Jonquilont's family was in a danger, he would be there to defend them in a heartbeat.

How tall is your WoL or OC?

Alexois 202 cm | 6'7''
Merewina 168 cm | 5'6''
Alexois is average height when it comes to Elezen. And Merewina can reach high shelves if needed.

Could your WoLs/OCs partner(s) beat them in a fight? Who would win?

Alexois would be the winner in all possible ways. But he can't lift a finger against Lady Merewina, he rather let her do what she wants.

Is your WoL a lightweight, or can they hold their liquor well? Or, do they not drink alcoholic beverages at all?

Alexois can drink a lot. But after a specific threshold he becomes a determinate daredevil. He might start to sing, or start a sudden wrestle match or kiss a statue (which he denies with his whole being). He rarely drinks and only do it with a good company though.And never to sadness.

What is your WoL’s type? Moreover, what do they yearn for in their lover?

Someone that could there for him. Even in those silent moments, be it good or bad, he wishes they would notice him and be with him.

Why did your WoL take up this or that discipline? Not limited to combat classes, but crafting/gathering ones too.

Alexois was stonemason in Ishgard. Then sudden incident happened and he was employed by high house. Servant job required him to know many skills, such as basic sword skills. When he started his journey to Gridania he decided to try conjuring. He thought it would benefit to him know how to heal.